Whether you’re experiencing the summer season or amid the cold winter months, you need a heating and cooling system you can rely on. These systems keep you comfortable no matter what the weather is like outside.

Our HVAC services in Longview, IL will help keep your system functioning effectively throughout the year. Our team is here to help you with everything from the HVAC installation to repairs and maintenance.

Expert HVAC Repair Service

Is your home uncomfortable? Is your HVAC system struggling to meet your needs? If so, it may be time to schedule our HVAC repair service. We’ll inspect your heating and cooling system while looking for the cause of your problems.

Your system may be suffering from faulty components, electrical problems, or refrigerant leaks. Sometimes, it’s simply a matter of normal wear and tear. Without prompt repairs, you could find yourself dealing with high energy bills, poor air quality, and strange noises.

By diagnosing and fixing any HVAC issues your Longview system has, you’ll be able to avoid further complications. In the long run, you’ll be saving money and helping extend the lifespan of your heating and cooling system.

Professional HVAC Installation in Longview

As your system ages, you may want to think about replacing it or upgrading to a more energy-efficient model. The average HVAC system will last 15 years.

If yours is near this age, is experiencing frequent and expensive repairs, and is having trouble keeping you comfortable, it may be time for a new HVAC installation.

We can help you find the perfect heating and cooling system for your home by taking into consideration the square footage of your house and your rate of heat loss. We offer traditional package systems and energy-efficient heat pumps as well as separate furnaces and air conditioning options. Programmable thermostats add to these modern systems’ conveniences.

Once you find your perfect HVAC replacement, our team will remove your old system, install the new one, and make all of the proper connections. Before leaving, we’ll test the system for functionality and clean up any mess left behind. The average installation takes between four and eight hours.

The following are a few of the benefits your new HVAC system will provide:
  • Energy efficiency
  • Low utility bills
  • Consistent temperatures
  • Fewer repairs

Ensure Functionality With Routine Maintenance

Scheduling regular tune-ups will keep your HVAC system functioning properly and extend its lifespan. You’ll save money with fewer repairs and better energy efficiency, and you’ll avoid breakdowns.

Ideally, you’ll want to schedule our HVAC services twice a year. The first time should be in the spring before the summer heat arrives. Schedule the second tune-up in the fall before the temperatures outside begin to drop. This ensures that your home will be comfortable all year.

During a maintenance visit, we do a thorough inspection. We’ll clean and tune all parts of the system, and we’ll look for any potential problems that need our attention. If our team discovers anything amiss, we’ll take care of it promptly.

Skipping this important service can result in higher energy bills and poor efficiency. You’ll be putting your system at risk of breaking down completely just when you need it the most.

Call Dogtown Heating, Air & Plumbing now to learn more about all of our HVAC services in Longview.